Don't Follow Anyone

I can't think of some clever, original analogy in regards to not following others foot steps and make your own path, or at least don't want to. I look up to plenty of people David Goggins, Greg Doucette, Nick Bare, etc.. but I don't want to be any of them. They all have fantastic words of wisdom, but their aspirations are not mine. There's a ton I've learned from them, but that's their story. My point is, learn from others, but don't try to be them, be you.

I still haven't quite figured out what all encompasses the person I want to be. That's no excuse to not be the best I can though. The things I know I want to be, I strengthen, and for the rest I experiment and learn.

Something else I want to mention is there's so many posts such as this one. Motivation, encouragement, bits of wisdom, whatever you want to call it, but just reading it does little. It's not about reading someone else's words, but finding your own. As I write this I can't help think it's cheesy as hell, but to me it's true. Find your truth


Habit and Focus