Website Worries

As I’ve begun the process of making my own website many thoughts have been sparked. Why am I doing this? Is this just a stupid idea? Will my website be any good? Is this worth the money? Will anyone care? The overall reason behind making my own website has been to start working harder on myself. I want more out of life. I don’t know what that is exactly, but starting a website seems like a step in the right direction. There are always excuses to everything in life, but I didn’t want the excuses I could muster to stop me from doing something I should do. That’s another thing I’m working on. The SHOULD do’s and WANT to do’s in life. I may want to stay up late playing video games. I may want to eat a whole birthday cake. But I believe we all know what the should do’s in life are. I know that if I take the time to work on something productive and get a good night’s rest or if I make a healthier food choice I’m working towards what I ultimately want.


Habit and Focus